The Hill District Master Plan has grown out of the sustained efforts of numerous residents, community groups and stakeholders. Two community meetings each drew over 75 participants who provided valuable input to the goals and content of the Plan.
Furthermore, Councilman Daniel Lavelle has generously provided the resources of his office and chaired the Master Plan Management Committee. The Management Committee includes representatives from organizations such as the Hill District Consensus Group, the CBA Steering Committee, the Hill Community Development Corporation,Hill House Economic Development Corporation, CrawfordSquare Homeowners, Ujamaa Collective, Find the Rivers,Keystone Innovation Zone, Uptown Partners, Wesley A.M.E.Charities, Heinz Endowments, the Pittsburgh Foundation,the State House of Representatives, Allegheny County, the Mayor's Office, the Pittsburgh City Council, the Pittsburgh Department of City Planning, the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh, and the Urban Redevelopment Authority.
With ongoing guidance and feedback from these many entities, the Hill District Master Plan is informed by the
development principles, non-displacement strategies/strategies for reclaiming the Lower Hill, and community goals on the following pages. The Plan itself has two components:
Program Initiatives
Policies and programs that, alongside the Urban Design Propsals, will help attain community goals
Urban Design Proposals
Projects to improve the physical environment and to leverage development